Product Application
The vibrating microtome has been widely used in research, teaching, chemical, and medical institutions for over 30 years, offering excellent performance and cost-effectiveness. This instrument has been adopted by numerous research institutions around global.
Research areas involving the vibrating microtome encompass physiology, neuroscience/neurochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmacokinetics, histochemistry/cytochemistry, electron microscopy-level enzymology, histopathology, botany, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, tissue culture, and other fields requiring fresh tissue sectioning for research. The vibrating microtome is especially suitable for sectioning fresh or agar-fixed plant and animal specimens without the need for freezing or embedding.
Key Features
The ZQP-86 vibrating microtome is widely used in research, teaching, chemical, and medical institutions. It is specialized for sectioning fresh or fixed plant and animal specimens without the need for freezing or embedding. This eliminates ice crystal damage and preserves sample viability and cellular morphology. It provides ideal conditions for "immunocytochemistry research" and "neurobiological research of spinal cord and brain slices." This instrument can cut fixed brain and spinal cord tissues as thin as 10 um and fresh brain, heart, and kidney tissues as thin as 30 um. The sections are complete, smooth, and evenly stained. Brain slices cut by this instrument can maintain spontaneous discharge for over 12 hours in artificial cerebrospinal fluid.