Specificity: This antibody demonstrates 2D7-like reactivity. The synthetic peptide used was made to the epitope binding site of the monoclonal antibody 2D7-2SK. The sequence EWQKEGLVTLWLGGGGSC is a combination of the two distal ends of extracellular loop 2 (ECL-2) on the human CCR5 sequence. The binding site is conformation dependent and will only detect the protein if the disulfide bridge between extracellular loop 1 and 2 is intact. It will not detect the protein in its reduced form.
Immunogen: A synthetic peptide demonstrating a high affinity towards the monoclonal CCR5 2D7 (see reference 2). This peptide is known as the 2D7-2SK peptide and consists of the following residues: EWQKEGLVTLWLGGGGSC